SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
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Volume 25, Number 1 (January 1995)
Note: This is the 25th Anniversary Issue of CCR containing many republished
articles of note from earlier volumes
Research Areas in Computer
Communication, L. Kleinrock (Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1974)
Nomadic Computing - An Opportunity,
L. Kleinrock
The ALOHA system, F. F.
Kuo (Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1974)
Selecting Sequence Numbers,
R. S. Tomlinson (Proc. ACM SIGCOMM/SIGOPS Interprocess Communications
Workshop, Santa Monica, CA, March 1975)
An Overview of the New Routing
Algorithm for the ARPANET, J. M. McQuillan, I. Richter, E. C. Rosen
(Proc. Sixth Data Comm.Symposium, November 1979)
Congestion Control in IP/TCP
Internetworks, J. Nagle (Vol. 14, No. 4, October 1984)
Improving Round-Trip
Time Estimates in Reliable Transport Protocols, P. Karn, C. Partridge
(Proc. SIGCOMM `87, Stowe, VT, August 1987, published as CCR Vol. 17, No.
5, October 1987)
Fragmentation Considered
Harmful, C. A. Kent, J. C. Mogul (Proc. SIGCOMM `87, Stowe, VT,
August 1987, published as CCR Vol. 17, No. 5, October 1987)
Multicast Routing in Internetworks
and Extended LANs, S. Deering (Proc. SIGCOMM `88, Stanford, CA,
August 1988, Vol. 18, No. 4)
The Design Philosophy of the
DARPA Internet Procotols, D. D. Clark (Proc. SIGCOMM `88, Stanford,
CA, August 1988, Vol. 18, No. 4)
Development of the Domain
Name System, P. V. Mockapetris, K. J. Dunlap (Proc. SIGCOMM `88,
Stanford, CA, August 1988, Vol. 18, No. 4)
Measured Capacity of an
Ethernet: Mths and Reality, D. R. Boggs, J. C. Mogul, C. A. Kent
(Proc. SIGCOMM `88, Stanford, CA, August 1988, Vol. 18, No. 4)
A Binary Feedback Scheme
for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks with a Connectionless Network
Layer, K. K. Ramakrishnan, R. Jain (Proc. SIGCOMM `88, Stanford,
CA, August 1988, Vol. 18, No. 4)
Congestion Avoidance and
Control, V. Jacobson (Proc. SIGCOMM `88, Stanford, CA, August 1988,
Vol. 18, No. 4)
Analysis and Simulation of
a Fair Queueing Algorithm, A. Demers, S. Keshav, S. Shenker (Proc.
SIGCOMM `89, Austin, TX, September 1989, Vol 19. No. 4)
A Control-Theoretic Approach
to Flow Control, S. Keshav (Proc. SIGCOMM `91, Zurich, Switzerland,
September 1991, Vol. 21, No. 4)
On the Self-Similar Nature
of Ethernet Traffic, W. E. Leland, M. S. Taqqu, W. Willinger, D.
V. Wilson (Proc. SIGCOMM `93, San Francisco, CA, September 1993, Vol. 23,
No. 4)
Volume 25, Number 2 (April 1995)
Note: This is a Special Issue on ATM
Chairman's Message
SIGCOMM Financial Report
A Brief Overview of ATM: Protocol
Layers, LAN Emulation, and Traffic Management, K.-Y. Siu, R. Jain
A Survey of UNI Signaling
Systems and Protocols for ATM Networks, B. Stiller
Multicast and Multiprotocol Support for ATM Based Internets, G. J. Armitage
Design Principles and Performance
Analysis of SSCOP: A New ATM Adaptation Layer Protocol, T. R. Henderson
Rate-Based Congestion Control
for ATM Networks, H. Ohsaki, M. Murata, H. Suzuki, C. Ikeda, H.
The ATM Physical Layer, S. K. Rao, M. Hatamias
Topology Aggregation for
Hierarchical Routing in ATM Networks, W. C.
Perspectives on ATM Switch Architecture and the Influence of Traffic Pattern
Assumptions on Switch Design, R. J. Simcoe, T.-B. Pei
Volume 25, Number 3 (July 1995)
Timed Protocol Verification
for Estelle-Specified Protocols, c.-M. Huang, S.-W. Lee
Protocol Architecture for
Multimedia Applications over ATM Networks, D. D. Kandur, D. Saha,
M. Willebeek-LeMair
N. G. Aneroussis, A. A. Lazar, D. E. Pendarakis
A Dual Bus Approach for LAN Interworking
with ATM Networks, C.-S. Wu, N.-F. Huang, G.-K. Ma
Volume 25, Number 4 (October 1995)
Note: This is the SIGCOMM '95 Conference Proceedings
A Measurement-based Admission Control
Algorithm for Integrated Services Packet Networks, S. Jamin, P.
Danzig, S. Shenker, L. Zhang
Two Issues in Reservation Establishment,
S. Shenker, L. Breslau
Design, Implementation, Evaluation
of a Software-based Real-Time Ehternet Protocol, C. Venkatramani,
T-C Chiueh
Pipelined Memory Shared Buffer for
VLSI Switches, M. Katevenis, P. Vatsolaki, A. Efthymiou
Hierarchical Distance Vector Multicast Routing for the MBone, A. Thyagarajan,
S. E. Deering
Performance of Checksums and CRCs
over Real Data, C. Partridge, J. Hughes, J. Stone
Performance Analysis of MD5, J.
D. Touch
Software Support for Outboard Buffering
and Checksumming, K. Kleinpaste, P. Steenkiste, B. Zill
Self-Similarity Through High-Variability:
Statistical Analysis of Ethernet LAN Traffic at the Source Level, W.
Willinger, M. S. Taqqu, R. Sherman, D. V. Wilson
Modeling and Simulation of Self-Similar
Variable Bit Rate Compressed Video: A Unified Approach, C. Huang,
M. Devetsikiotis, I. Lambadaris, A. R. Kaye
Performance Bounds in Communication Networks
With Variable-Rate Links, K. Lee
A System for Constructing Configurable
High-Level Processing, N. T. Bhatti, R. D. Schlichting
Protocol Implementation Using Integrated
Layer Processing, T. Braun, C. Diot
Trading Packet Headers for Packet
Processing, G. P. Chandranmenon, G. Varghese
An Automatic Trace Analysis Tool Generator
for Estelle Specifications, S. A. Ezust, G. v. Bochmann
An Evaluation of TCP Vegas: Emulation and
Experiment, J-S. Ahn, P. Danzig, Z. Liu, E. Yan
Experiences Implementing A High-Performance
TCP In User-Space, A. Edwards, S. Muir
Leave-in-Time: A New Service Discipline
for Real-Time Communications in a Packet-Switching Data Network, N.
Figueira, J. Pasquale
RCBR: A Simple and Efficient Service
for Multiple Time-Scale Traffic, M. Glossglauser, S. Keshav, D. Tse
Efficient Fair Queueing using Deficit
Round Robin, M. Shreedhar, G. Varghese
A Mobile User Location Update and
Paging Mechanism Under Delay Constraints, I. F. Akyildiz, J. S.
M. Ho
Authentication Protocols for Personal Communication
Systems, H-Y. Lin, L. Harn
Floor Acquisition Multiple Access (FAMA)
For Packet-Radio Networks, C. L. Fullmer, .J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves
CCCP: Confrerence Control Channel Protocol-A
Scalable Base for Building Conference Control Applications, M. Handley,
I. Wakefield, J. Crowcroft
Locating Nearby Copies of Replicated
Internet Servers, J. D. Guyton, M. F. Schwartz
The Case for Persistent-Connection HTTP,
J. C. Mogul
Sharing the "Cost" of Multicast Trees: An Axiomatic Analysis, S. Herzog,
D. Estrin, S. Shenker
Log-Based Receiver-Reliable Multicast
for Distributed Interactive Simulation, H. W. Holbrook, S. K. Singhal,
D. R. Cheriton
A Reliable Multicast Framework for Light-weight
Sessions and Application Level Framing, S. Floyd, V. Jacobson, S.
McCanne, L. Zhang, C.-G. Liu
Volume 25, Number 5 (October 1995)
Problems with DCE Security Services, G. White, U. Pooch
An Architectural Approach
for Integrated Network and Systems Management, R. Boutaba, S. Znaty
The (Un)Revised OSI Reference
Model, J. Day
Practical Experience in
Interconnecting LANs Via Satellite, N. Celandroni, E. Ferro, F.
Portorti, A. Bellini, F. Pirri
Performance Problems in BSD4.4
TCP, L. S. Brakmo, L. L. Peterson
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